Once a patient walks in the door of Busch Center, we know they may have already seen other doctors about their prostate issues, suffered life-altering and sometimes embarrassing side effects, and had other painful prostate procedures. This is why it’s part of our vision to set a standard of care that restores their dignity, peace of mind, and physical health. New patients can expect to experience several things we do differently at Busch Center in order to set the standard.

1. We don’t have a reception desk.

When patients have an appointment, we know they’re coming. We have cameras monitoring our entrance so we’re able to know when a patient arrives, and then we greet them at the door. We don’t need to hand them a clipboard for them to fill out tons of registration paperwork. We send them any necessary forms ahead of time so they can complete it online, and we already have all the information we need. 

2. We want your picture as well as your file.

We don’t want to know our patients by their names and ailments. It’s important for us to know WHO they are. “When they come in, we take their picture because we want to remember them. We also take pictures with our patients because when they come in the door, they become our family,” says Co-Founder Kathy Busch.

3. We don’t overbook or pack our day with office visits.

When a patient is here for an appointment or a procedure, it’s important they have all the time they need to process what we’re telling them and ask any questions they have. This is why Dr. Busch only sees a few patients a day. “There’s pressure on doctors these days to see a lot of patients. Patients deserve to have personalized care. I only want to see a few patients a day so that I can spend quality time with them,” says Dr. Busch.

4. Our patients make themselves at home.

Busch Center patients don’t wait in a communal waiting room with hard chairs and generic office decor. They relax in their own comfortable, private patient rooms with reclining, stress-free chairs. Visits involving the prostate can be nerve-wracking, but if patients feel like they’re at a friend’s house rather than a doctor’s office, it can put their nerves at ease.

5. We meet patients where they’re at physically and emotionally.

Effectively treating the prostate is one way of caring for a patient. Caring for them personally and emotionally is another. Some patients have been suffering for a long time, some are worried they might have cancer, and some are being treated for cancer. Busch Center prioritizes how patients are feeling about their situation, giving them room to process, express themselves, and receive reassurance. “You have to touch that patient, leave time for him to open up in his own way. Every patient is different. You can’t rush prostate patients,” says Kathy Busch. 

6. Our patients are a part of our family.

It’s easier to give patients the care they need when we make them a part of the Busch family from the start and get to know them as individuals. Here, you see the same medical team each time you walk through our doors. We know our patients by name, and they know each member of the Busch Team by name! 

7. There’s no shame here.

Many men put off getting treated for prostate issues because of the shame associated with it. First, men typically don’t like admitting weakness and having something physically wrong tends to make them feel weak. Also, many are suffering side effects that have to do with their private area, something that can generally contribute to feelings of shame. Not only do we have an understanding of this burden men are carrying, but we intentionally set out to restore their dignity and remove the negative stigma of prostate issues. 

Men can benefit from hearing other men’s stories through the videos on our website in order to understand they’re not alone and understand how common prostate issues are. We also keep their dignity in mind when they’re here for procedures. “When you go into a hospital for a procedure, the first thing they do is make you take off your clothes, and it strips you of your dignity. At Busch Center, they don’t wear hospital gowns; they wear scrubs, and we let them put their clothes back on while they wait,” says Dr. Busch. Through our procedures, we’re able to make physical treatment much less painful, to the point they feel more like a minor inconvenience. And through the measures above, we’re able to take what could’ve previously been a miserable experience and make it much less so, to the point of even being enjoyable. If you’re looking for this level of prostate care, contact us for an appointment.