Why TULSA is the Best Way to Treat BPH

Why TULSA is the Best Way to Treat BPH

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also called prostate gland enlargement, is very common in older men. By age 60, over one-half of men have BPH; by age 85, the number climbs to 90%, according to the American Urological Association (AUA). An enlarged prostate gland...
What Are the Signs of an Enlarged Prostate?

What Are the Signs of an Enlarged Prostate?

The most common prostate-related issue for men over 50 is prostate enlargement. By age 60, over half of men will have Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH), or non-cancerous prostate enlargement. By age 85, that number increases to 90%. Causes The prostate is...