Busch Center Opens State-of-the-Art Prostate Cancer Facility

Busch Center Opens State-of-the-Art Prostate Cancer Facility

Busch Center First to Use Advanced Imaging To Pinpoint Previously Undetectable Spots for Better Prostate Cancer Outcomes ALPHARETTA, GA. (PRWEB) NOVEMBER 11, 2019 Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men, and the second leading cause of men’s cancer death in the United States.* That’s why Busch Center, a new state-of-the-art MRI prostate imaging facility, has opened in Alpharetta, GA. The experts at Busch Center pride...

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The Busch Center Experience

The Busch Center Experience

Busch Center, named for Dr. Joseph Busch and his wife, Kathy Busch, is setting the standard in prostate screening and diagnosis. Our team is leading the way in America, bringing the most accurate screening and diagnosis technology available to ensure patients are diagnosed early and accurately. Early, accurate cancer diagnosis leads to better outcomes and quality of life. Patients come from around the country to see Dr. Busch, a prostate cancer...

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Medical Studies

Personalized Treatment for Patients with Prostate Cancer Using MRI-guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation (TULSA)

TULSA is a new technology which has demonstrated promising early oncological results with a well-tolerated safety profile. As Prostate Cancer disease localization continues to improve, it is expected that targeted treatment will become increasingly part of localized Prostate Cancer management. As MRI is already embedded within TULSA, used both to guide, plan, and monitor treatment, TULSA is well-positioned to address the changing landscape of Prostate Cancer disease management.

Palliative MRI-guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation for Symptomatic Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer

Scandinavian Journal of Urology
The study concludes TULSA appears safe and feasible for palliative ablation of locally advanced prostate cancer. The therapy seems to accomplish long-term hematuria control, can relieve bladder outlet obstruction in selected patients, and seems to reduce the burden of hospitalization due to local complications.

MRI-Guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation for BPH

Journal of Endourology
This retrospective analysis demonstrates promising safety and feasibility of TULSA to relieve LUTS, with improvements in IPSS comparable to modern minimally invasive surgical therapies. Larger controlled studies with BPH-specific ablation plans in men seeking treatment for LUTS are warranted.

Patient Testimonials

Busch Center Experience

America’s Flawed Standard of Care

Importance of Early Detection

About Prostate MRI Screening

Treating Prostate Cancer

TULSA Procedure