by Busch Center | Feb 17, 2025
Remember when you had a newborn baby and how sleep-deprived you were? That is how our men with BPH feel all the time; they are awakened multiple times a night to urinate. As men age the transitional zone (TZ) of the prostate develops benign prostatic hypertrophy...
by Busch Center | Dec 15, 2023
At RSNA 2023 in Chicago, Dr. Busch presented on the retrospective analysis of MRI-guided transurethral ultrasound ablation (TULSA) in prostate cancer lesions at the extreme apex. The clinical findings show TULSA is a promising prostate cancer treatment with minimal...
by Busch Center | Sep 27, 2022
While Busch Center is rooted in over 40 years of experience with a passion for preserving quality of life for those diagnosed with prostate cancer or BPH, it’s also rooted in the hearts of our founders, Dr. Joe and Kathy Busch. What started as a “typical” event...
by Busch Center | Jun 28, 2022
Busch Center is excited to offer a new service for men in search of safe, effective fertility protection. Our sperm analysis and up to 5-year cryostorage kits are available in-center for both TULSA treatment and non-TULSA patients. Collection of samples can be...
by Busch Center | Jun 14, 2022
When my dad suffered a pulmonary embolism in October of 2021, we were in shock. At 64 years of age, Morris is a relatively healthy man with no prior issues. So – after returning home from a six-day stay in the hospital, we began our healing journey. We embarked on the...