Congratulations on
taking the next step!

Dr. Busch and the Busch Center team are thrilled to share
more information on the TULSA procedure with you!

Is TULSA right for you?

Schedule a conslultation with Dr. Busch today by calling 770-424-6270 or emailing

We look forward to partnering with you and your loved ones on your prostate health journey!

About Dr. Busch

Dr. Joseph J. Busch is one of the few physicians in the U.S. trained to perform the revolutionary TULSA Procedure. In his capable hands, this customizable, predictable and incision-free treatment option results in positive outcomes with virtually no side effects, which helps preserve men’s quality of life after cancer treatment.

“The TUSLA Procedure has been proven to work as well as a full prostatectomy, but without the awful, life-altering side effects.”

Dr. Busch uses state-of-the-art MRI imaging during the procedure, allowing him to see precisely where the cancer is located. That way, he can target the cancer accurately, treating only the diseased tissue and not damaging any of the adjacent healthy tissue, nerves or organs.